SPS Journal Club

Possibly coming back in 2024

Journal Clubs can go on resumes and CVs!

SPS Journal Club, we meet for an hour per week and discuss the weekly article. Our first focus will be overviews of physics topics researched at UO. We may invite students who assist in labs on these topics to discuss the article (undergrads and grad students).


Past Journal Club information:

SPS is starting up a journal club for the fall term of 2021. This journal club would mainly start with learning what is a journal club and how it works as an introduction for students new to this kind of club. The general idea is to read the journal articles posted on this page or Discord, discuss the article with the rest of the club at a separate meeting, and ask questions to learn about the physics or general information from the article we read.

Updates will be posted here and on Discord after the Welcome to SPS Meeting sometime in the first week of this term.


The Society of Physics Students (SPS) is starting a journal club next term (Spring 2017) for both undergraduate and graduate students. The club will meet once a week to discuss the journal article for that week, or do an activity related to the article. The topic of the club spring term will be women and minorities in STEM. The reading list will be available by the end of Winter term, and a doodle poll will be sent around Week 9 to  determine the best time to have the meetings.

Anyone interested in joining the email list should email Lindsey at loberhel at uoregon dot edu.

Spring Term meeting times:

NOTE: as of week 4, the Wednesday meeting time is cancelled.

Wednesday 4pm

Thursday 3pm

Location: WIL 147 (both times)

Note these two times will cover the same content.


Week 10: No meeting

Week 9:

  • http://womeninastronomy.blogspot.com/2015/05/homework-for-those-seeking-to-be-allies.html
  • http://www.astrobetter.com/blog/2013/09/02/ethics-and-diversity-poll/

Week 8:

  • http://science.sciencemag.org/content/355/6325/658
  • http://howtoprepforgradschoolwhilepoor.wikispaces.com/Cultural+and+Social+Capital

Week 7:

  • http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/11/24/yesallwomen-but-not-really-how-feminism-leaves-the-disabled-behind?via=mobile&source=twitter
  • https://medium.com/@megaspacepanda/in-our-own-language-the-hidden-world-of-aspergers-f55d5682086a
  • http://www.selfdirection.org/html/course01/level2/11.php

Week 6:

Week 5:

  • http://www.stemwomen.net/what-is-sexism/
  • http://blog.ian.gent/2013/10/the-petrie-multiplier-why-attack-on.html
  • http://thevarsity.ca/2016/09/28/u-of-t-psychology-prof-decries-political-correctness-in-youtube-lecture/

Week 4:

Week 3:

Week 2:

Week 1:

Optional / Reference: