Physics of Life Summer School for Undergrads: June 15-26, 2020 @ Princeton DEADLINE: 3/25/20

From: Joshua W. Shaevitz
co-Director, Center for the Physics of Biological Function

I would like to take this opportunity to announce that we will again run our summer school on ‘The Physics of Life’, aimed at introducing physics undergraduates to the intellectual excitement and challenges at the interface of physics and biology. This program is sponsored by The Center for the Physics of Biological Function, a joint effort of The Graduate Center at CUNY and Princeton University that is supported by the National Science Foundation through the Physics Frontier Center program. The first two iterations of this program were great fun, and we are grateful to the many of you who recommended students in the past.

The school will take place at Princeton University from June 15-26, 2020 and involve a mix of lectures, tutorials, seminars, problem sessions and small projects. We hope both to convey the excitement of frontier research and to help solidify the students’ knowledge of core topics such as statistical physics and modern optical microscopy.

Our ideal candidate is a rising junior or senior physics major. We want to reach students in time to have an impact on their post-graduation plans, but when they have had enough physics background to allow for reasonably sophisticated discussion. They need not have more than a solid high school level knowledge of biology.

The school is tuition free and we are able to provide lodging and meals for all school participants through support from the NSF. We can not, however, provide travel funds for the students. If you can get them here, the school is provided free of charge.

Details can be found at Application information is available at the web site, and questions can be sent to Although we have some flexibility, we will start reviewing applications on March 25, and hope to reach conclusions quickly.

All of the Center faculty are very excited to connect with your students, and they join me in expressing our thanks for your help with recruiting.

Best regards,

Joshua W. Shaevitz
co-Director, Center for the Physics of Biological Function
Professor of Physics and the Lewis-Sigler Institute
Princeton University

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